Impact Report

June 2023 – May 2024

Thank you!

Dear Supporters,

Each summer as I sit down to compile the list of all we’ve accomplished together across the past year, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of a gratitude for your generous support. Your dedication has been the driving force behind every achievement we’ve made.

Together, we’ve educated and supported clinicians, set up multiple fellowships, provided research funding, and brought hope to patients and families impacted by PANS/PANDAS and other inflammatory brain disorders. Through these initiatives, we’ve successfully challenged outdated beliefs and misconceptions, and empowered clinicians to provide informed and compassionate care to patients who desperately need it. With each CME event, educational resource, fellowship, and capacity building grant, we equip clinicians with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the nuances of PANS and related inflammatory brain disorders with confidence. It is with great appreciation that I share with you the impact of your generosity and commitment.

Thank you for standing with us and supporting us as we work together to change the neuroimmune landscape.

With Gratitude,

Anna Conkey

Executive Director and Founder
Neuroimmune Foundation
July 2024

The impact of your support

Graphic Doctor Patient Synergy
Graphic Doctor Patient Synergy

2023 / 2024

A Review of the Past Year:
The Impact of Our Programs

On the horizon!

We are happy to share that we have received 17 letters of intent from physicians interested in our $250k capacity building grant!

Overall, the proposals were very strong, and many focused on expanding to care of adults which is a huge gaping need. We are excited to see the full proposals from many of these physicians in September and will award the grant funding by the end of the year!

Inflammatory brain disorders content including PANS related papers to be published the second time in a peer-reviewed medical journal Special Issue

Dr. Sam Pleasure, who is widely recognized as one of the top neuroimmunology experts in the world, will serve as the editor a special issue that will be published once again in Developmental Neuroscience to circulate the latest information on neuroimmune disorders to physicians worldwide. We strongly believe that disseminating this critical information in highly regarded, peer-reviewed medical journals is a huge step forward in educating the medical community and shifting their perspectives on the origins of neuropsychiatric illnesses. Our first special issue was very well received so we look forward to a similar impact!