Researchers suspect that PANS and PANDAS result from infections or environmental triggers that cause abnormal activation of the immune system, which then attacks neuronal cells.
PANS Symptoms and PANS Diagnosis
PANS stands for Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome. According to the PANS Research Consortium comprised of physicians and researchers from institutions such as Stanford, Yale, Harvard, Columbia, and National Institute of Mental Health, PANS is a clinical diagnosis requiring OCD and/or restrictive food intake as well as two or more of the following symptoms:
- anxiety
- emotional lability
- depression
- irritability
- aggression
- severely oppositional behaviors
- behavioral or developmental regression
- deterioration in school performance, handwriting, or math skills
- sensory abnormalities
- sleep disturbances
- enuresis
- urinary frequency
PANDAS Symptoms and PANDAS Diagnosis
PANDAS is the acronym for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infections. PANDAS is a subset of PANS. Guidelines for diagnosing PANDAS include:
- Presence of OCD and/or tics
- Symptoms begin between age three and puberty
- Acute-onset and episodic (relapsing-remitting) course
- Association with Group A Streptococcal (GAS) infection
- Association with Neurological Abnormalities
The diagnosis of PANDAS does not require comorbid neuropsychiatric symptoms beyond OCD or tics, however, they are often present.
In 2017, treatment guidelines for PANS and PANDAS were published in a special issue of the Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology (JCAP, 2017). Authors of the guidelines include physicians and researchers including Stanford, Yale, Harvard, Columbia, and National Institute of Mental Health and others.
Clinical practice is constantly evolving as researchers learn more about PANS/PANDAS. Our Expert Consultation Panel provides an opportunity for MDs/DOs to submit challenging patient cases for consultation.
Treatment for mild to moderate PANS/PANDAS can include:
- Antibiotics
- Corticosteroids
- Anti-Inflammatories
- Therapy
- SSRI’s (very low dose)
Treatment for moderate to severe PANS/PANDAS can include:
- Antibiotics
- Corticosteroids
- Anti-Inflammatories
- Therapy
- SSRI’s (very low dose)
- Plasmapheresis
Treatment for severe to extreme PANS/PANDAS can include:
- Long, tapered corticosteroid courses or repeated high dose IV corticosteroids
- Plasmapheresis
- Rituximab
- Antibiotics and the above