Responding to PANS Skepticism

A Guide to Responding to PANS Skepticism With High-Quality Educational Resources and Research

Navigating skepticism surrounding Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) can be challenging.

Our website offers a comprehensive guide for individuals seeking to address doubts with credible resources and research. Whether you’re a caregiver, medical professional, or someone affected by PANS, we provide valuable insights to help you understand and respond effectively to skepticism. Explore verified information, peer-reviewed studies, and expert opinions to bolster your understanding and advocacy efforts.

Join us in promoting awareness and understanding of PANS through evidence-based resources and education.

How to Respond to PANS/PANDAS Skepticism:

Acknowledge Concerns

  • It takes roughly 17 years for research to trickle into clinical practice, so an educational gap exists for many clinicians who haven’t yet been apprised of advances in the field.

  • Be kind and collaborative rather than argumentative.

  • Acknowledge that there is a substantial need for more research to better understand PANS. Give to support research if you’re able to.

Provide Evidence

Share PANS Specific Peer-Reviewed Medical Journals

Promote Accredited Continuing Medical Education Opportunities

  • Invite clinicians to attend Neuroimmune’s Inflammatory Brain Disorders Conference where they can not only earn CME credits but learn the latest research and ask questions of experts in the field.

  • Encourage clinicians to participate in Neuroimmune’s accredited Continuing Medical Education (CME) on PANS/PANDAS led by experts from Stanford, Harvard, NIMH, Yale, and other reputable institutions.

Offer Resources for Clinician Support and Encourage Open Dialogue

  • Invite clinicians to submit challenging and complex cases to our Expert Consultation Panel where they can dialogue with physicians from Stanford, UCSF, Harvard, NIMH, and Albert Einstein Medical School.

  • Advocate for shared decision making. Engage clinicians who strongly agree patients and families deserve a say in healthcare decisions that impact them.

Provide High Quality Educational Resources and Guides

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